A function that extract a time series of climate variables (1958-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2021-12-01T00:00:00).
- to, from
it's a string object,starting and final date.
- by
two types of increment of the sequence by month and year.
- band
name of band.
- region
is a feature or feature collection.
- fun
function for extract statistic zonal (count, kurtosis, max, mean, median, min, mode, percentile, std, sum, variance, first).
- scale
A nominal scale in meters of the projection to work in.
Name of some bands.
aet (mm): Actual evapotranspiration, derived using a one-dimensional soil water balance model.
def (mm): Climate water deficit, derived using a one-dimensional soil water balance model.
pdsi : Palmer Drought Severity Index.
pet(mm): Reference evapotranspiration (ASCE Penman-Montieth).
pr (mm): Precipitation accumulation.
ro (mm): Runoff, derived using a one-dimensional soil water balance model.
soil (mm): Soil moisture, derived using a one-dimensional soil water balance model.
srad (W/m²): Downward surface shortwave radiation.
swe (mm): Snow water equivalent, derived using a one-dimensional soil water balance model.
tmmn (°C): Minimum temperature.
tmmx (°C): Maximum temperature.
vap (kPa): Vapor pressure
vpd (kPa): Vapor pressure deficit.
vs (m/s): Wind-speed at 10m.
if (FALSE) {
# 1. Reading a sf object
region <- Peru
region_ee <- pol_as_ee(region , id = 'distr' , simplify = 1000)
# 2. Extracting climate information
data <- region_ee %>% get_climate(
from = "2001-02-01", to = "2002-12-31",
by = "month", band = "tmmx", fun = "max")